The ultimate guide on how to set up a POS system for a pocket-size business organisation

Exercise you run a retail business organization? Observe how to detect the right POS organisation, and the six steps you need to ready information technology up.

For a retail concern, the point of sale (POS) organisation is perhaps the most important facility that yous need. The POS system makes it easy to ring upwards sales at whatsoever time possible to complete the checkout process for your customers with whatsoever hassle.

In certain cases, retail POS solutions from EposNow can likewise function as the retail management platform from which you can run your entire business organisation. Not only does this system allow you to ring upwards sales, but you can likewise runway inventory, generate retail analytical reports, and provide exceptional client service at the same fourth dimension.



To make all of this happen, yous need to practice two things. First, you need to detect the right POS solution, such every bit card machines with EposNow. Secondly, you need to gear up it up for success to match your business requirements. In this post, nosotros look at how y'all tin can reach both of these objectives.

Find the correct POS system retail solution provider

Think of this as "step zippo" of the betoken-of-sale setup process. We will dive into the technical details or the specific steps of the installation process. But before that, yous demand to weigh the pros and cons of each POS retail management organisation available in the market.

This is not the time to make snappy judgments without researching the available options in the market. The right POS system volition meet your business needs to make the unabridged installation process much smoother.

We will not plunge into the details almost the POS buying process. If y'all are looking for a thorough resource, you can check out the ultimate guide for businesses looking for POS systems solutions. Here you will detect out how you can:

  • Define your business needs
  • Select the best hardware
  • Observe the best POS system based on the electric current financial status of your business organisation
  • Find the all-time POS system based on the goals of your business concern
  • Maximize the benefits from the POS system

Allow's expect at the process of how to install the right POS arrangement for your business to accomplish the quickest fiscal success.

The six steps you need to follow to gear up A POS system

After you choose the right POS organization for your business, you lot demand to run the software. At that place is no installation required with a majority of the spider web-based POS software solutions. The only affair you need is a secure internet connection. Launch the store's URL on a browser with access to the internet.

1) POS software launch and log in

Later you connect to the POS arrangement website, you lot need to launch the software on your device and log in. Y'all will need to configure your account to successfully login into the POS system. To configure your POS account, you volition need to enter details like your business name, store location, number of branches, and then on. The majority of the POS system vendors will take tutorials or a walk-through guide to assistance you complete the login process.

2) Upload product details

You will need to ready upwards a production inventory after you have registered your business relationship with the POS vendor and logged in. A business organisation with a few products and services can manually enter them into the system. You can choose to upload your product details in bulk if you take a large list of trade or services to offer your clients. A bulk of the POS solutions take the pick to do this using a CSV production listing, that usually contains the following domains:

  • Brand Name
  • Production Name
  • Production Category
  • Product Clarification
  • Quantity
  • Retail Price
  • Reorder Point
  • Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
  • Supplier Name
  • Supply Cost
  • Variant details (dissimilar sizes or models of the product)

Once you lot have completed inbound your product details you can motility on to the next pace.

three) Setting up user accounts and permissions

Yous volition need to set user accounts earlier y'all tin can outset to perform customer transactions on the POS arrangement. Set up profiles or user accounts for team members based on the level of permissions y'all want to grant them on the POS organisation. Some of the well-nigh common types of user accounts on the POS organization are:

  • Cashiers
  • Administrators
  • Managers

In most cases, you volition be able to personalize some of the permissions for each user based on their account. This means you can restrict or enable permissions for members of a sure category to achieve ameliorate control over the POS organization functionality. For example, you can have some cashiers with sure added privileges before the cashier must revert to the administrator for potency to perform a certain task. This can help you amend the overall efficiency of business organisation operations within your visitor.

Finally, make sure your employees sympathize their roles and the standard operating procedures that apply in each scenario.

four) Setting upwardly the hardware

The exact hardware requirements can vary based on the concern operations, the number of locations, products, and certain other factors. But in most cases, the POS solution provider will crave barcode scanners, cash drawers, payment terminals, and receipt printers. The POS solution provider will be able to give you detailed data on exactly which devices are required and how many of them. Once all the devices are installed y'all should be able to switch on the device, connect it to your wireless local area network, and connect it to your POS organization.

5) Setting up the payment processor

The payment processing method for the POS system needs to be gear up upward subsequently all of your devices are configured. Each POS system volition have different payment method options. Similarly, each POS system will have specific configurations for the merchant services they provide. You will demand to consult your POS vendor to ready the configuration properly.

In most cases, the POS organization will integrate with your payment processor. To do this go into your POS organization's settings and add the payment methods that your business organisation requires. Your POS vendor will be able to aid you lot reach the right associations based on your type of business.

six) Connect the POS system with other business apps

Maximize the number of integrations with other business organization apps to make the virtually of your POS system. Each integration with a concern app can potentially aid bring in new clients to achieve higher business revenues. This volition also get in easier for your company to gradually achieve brand recognition.